Digital Media Solutions

Content Multiplier

Leverage your existing content to create captivating assets to support your direct marketing efforts

This turnkey program amplifies marketing ROI (return on investment) and improves lead quality by creating video and content assets that help suppliers and service providers stay top of mind. Converting existing video into a captivating content experience, this low-risk, high-reward solution makes it easy to highlight company thought leadership with a seamless extension of existent content.

Content multiplier

Amplify marketing ROI

Enhance your return on investment by creating video and content assets to remain top of mind.

Improve lead quality

Convert existing videos into captivating content experiences that attract high-quality leads.

Highlight thought leadership

Easily showcase your company’s expertise with this low-risk, high-reward solution that seamlessly extends existing content.

Solution Snapshot

  • Title: Leverage Existing Content
  • Pic: Create an images that dipicts a video and have arrows pointing to a
  • Link: One of the trailers for this project we have done in the past

Program details

Program objective:
  • Asset creation of content.

  • Amplification of content.

  • Engagement extends life of webinar/event.

Requirements to create asset:
  • Company logo.

  • Company website, destination URL.

  • 100-word abstract based on original source video (e.g., webinar or event).

  • MP4 file of original video.

  • Presenter information of video participants: name, title, headshot, bio.

  • Optional: presenter bio.

  • Optional: up to three sponsor-supplied. assets (e.g., white paper, research, video, etc.).

  • Optional: accompanying PowerPoint presentation, if applicable.

  • Production turnaround: with existing webinar – four weeks.

Program deliverables:
  • Interactive co-branded landing page.

  • Portal web page with full suite of assets and export/share functionality.

  • 60-90 second video trailer, compilation of key moments.

  • 5-10 key moment videos (quantity dependent on length and topic).

  • 5-10 key moment text transcripts (quantity dependent on key moment videos).

  • Full video text transcript.

  • Full video with enhanced audio.

  • GIF of each video.

  • Program duration: 30 days.

Level up your video content

Get started today to see how SupplySide events can help drive your brand forward.