Digital Media Solutions

White Paper

Take advantage of the engaged audience by showcasing your data and insights with a white paper

Do you have new findings, research or reporting that you want the industry to see? Don’t miss a chance to have your white paper promoted across various web and social platforms.

White paper

Establish authority and expertise

Establish yourself as a trusted authority, enhancing your credibility and reputation among potential customers.

Fill your sales pipeline

Attract and engage potential leads with valuable insights and information related to your industry or offering.

Spread awareness

Ensure your new findings are seen and promoted in channels otherwise not accessible.

Program details

Content is reviewed by H&N Standards for regulatory compliance pre-publishing. Content may require client editing for compliance.

Content marketing reserves the right to edit published landing page copy to assure editorial quality for optimum engagement and editorial style, and assurance that compliance standards are met.

  • Client provided white paper.

  • Company logo on landing page.

  • One dedicated email to relevant audience members.

  • Promotional ad placed on SupplySide Food & Beverage Journal or SupplySide Supplement Journal website.

  • Social media promotion via X (Twitter) and LinkedIn.

  • One mention in SupplySide Food & Beverage Journal or SupplySide Supplement Journal newsletter (link under “Paid content” section).

  • All leads that have given consent for 3rd party share per Informa data privacy policies over the 60-day program provided weekly as they become available.

  • A performance marketing report provided at the end of the program.

Start gaining exposure for your findings and reporting

Get started today to see how SupplySide events can help drive your brand forward.