Digital Media Solutions

Press Release

Share your press-worthy news with the health and nutrition industry

Publish your press release on the  SupplySide Supplement Journal or SupplySide Food & Beverage Journal website and receive extra industry attention and awareness.

Press release

Enhance visibility

Enhance your brand’s exposure by distributing your press releases through our platforms.

Reach your desired audience

Make a strong impression in the industry by sharing your press releases with a wider audience.

Engage with your audience

Keep your audience informed about your latest products, services and initiatives, fostering engagement and interest.

Program details

  • Title: up to 20 words.

  • Summary copy: 100 to 150 words or less.

  • Press release length: up to 1000 words.

  • All press releases will be tagged to the “Press releases” category under “Media assets” on the SupplySide Supplement Journal or SupplySide Food & Beverage Journal websites.

  • All press releases will be reviewed internally by our team; if there is any questionable information, we will complete a compliance review with our standards team. If compliance review is necessary, this will push the launch date by at least seven business days.*

*When written, printed or graphic material might reasonably be construed as product advertising or accompanying labeling used to market an ingredient or finished product, then it may be subject to review to ensure it complies with our standards. Specifically, advertising must be truthful and not misleading and labeling (any material used to promote ingredients or products) may not assert, explicitly or implicitly, that the ingredient or product may be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease unless approved by FDA to do so.

Share your press-worthy news with the health and nutrition industry

Get started today to see how SupplySide events can help drive your brand forward.