Digital Media Solutions

Partner EMAILS

Extend your reach.
Amplify your message

Sustain year-round engagement with our partner email service. Tailor your message to our database of health and nutrition audiences. Utilize our industry expertise to deliver exclusive branded HTML emails directly to their inboxes.

Partner emails

Target your message

Deep demographic data that delivers on target personas.

Fill your sales pipeline

Activate audiences from SupplySide’s proprietary database of decision-makers.

Credibility and trust

Don’t settle for underperforming lists with poor data hygiene.

Solution examples

Custom email

Every brand, regardless of its growth stage, requires a versatile marketing strategy to reach buyers and the wider health and nutrition industry. Our tailored solutions are designed to elevate your brand and achieve your specific objectives effectively.

Provide your customized email, and we’ll handle the deployment to your specified audience. Expand your reach by tapping into SupplySide’s extensive audience network and monitor your campaign’s performance with comprehensive reporting.

Program details

Supplement and nutraceutical audience
  • Target audience segments matched based on demographic, firmographic, geographic and behavioral data.
  • Audience profiles developed based on Informa first-party data.
  • Single, one-time email send to your key segment.
  • A performance report generated within 48 hours of the send date.
  • Exclusive to one company per date/send.
  • Audience size: 5,000.
Beauty and cosmetics audience
  • Target audience segments matched based on demographic, firmographic, geographic and behavioral data.

  • Audience profiles developed based on Informa first-party data.

  • Single, one-time email send to your key segment.

  • A performance report generated within 48 hours of the send date.

  • Exclusive to one company per date/send.

  • Audience size: 2,000.

Food and beverage manufacturers
  • Target audience segments matched based on demographic, firmographic, geographic and behavioral data.
  • Audience profiles developed based on Informa first-party data.
  • Single, one-time email send to your key segment.
  • A performance report generated within 48 hours of the send date.
  • Exclusive to one company per date/send.
  • Audience size: 5,000.

Market to your ideal target audience using data-driven insights and behavioral analysis

Get started today to see how SupplySide events can help drive your brand forward.